Sonne de Torrens, Harriet. Crusader Rhetoric and Infancy Cycles on Medieval Baptismal Fonts in the Baltic Region. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2024) ISBN 978-2-503-59938-0, eISBN 978-2-503-59939-7, DOI 10.1484/M.ES-EB.5.128349. Freely available via Open Access,
2006 (L.M.S.) Licentiate in Mediaeval Studies, post-doctoral thesis awarded “Magna Cum Laude” from the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto. Thesis: ‘The Female Body, Sexuality and Baptism in Medieval Iberia.’
2003 Ph.D. Institute of Art History, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Dissertation: ‘De fontibus salvatoris: A Liturgical and Ecclesiological Reading of the Representation of the Childhood of Christ on the Medieval Fonts from Scandinavia.’ Dissertation advisers: Dr. Axel Bolvig, Dr. Søren Kaspersen at the University of Copenhagen and Dr. Jill Caskey at the University of Toronto.
COLLECTION OF ESSAYS ON BAPTISMAL FONTS: Harriet M. Sonne de Torrens and Miguel A. Torrens
Sonne de Torrens, Harriet and Miguel A. Torrens, eds. The Visual Culture of Baptism in the Middle Ages: Essays on Mediaeval Fonts (Burlington: Ashgate, 2013).
Jensen, Robin Margaret. Book Review: The Visual Culture of Baptism. Speculum Vol. 89 (3) 2014 (830-832)
Lane, Calvin. Book Review: The Visual Culture of Baptism. The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol.46 (4), 2015 (1069-1070)
Lewis, Jacob. Book Review: The Visual Culture of Baptism. Mediaevistik, Vol.27, 2014 (277-278)
McClain, Aleksandra. Book Review: The Visual Culture of Baptism. Medieval Archaeology Vol. 58 (449-450)
Tanton, Kristine. Book Review: The Visual Culture of Baptism. Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Vol. 45, 2014 (348-350)
Timmermann, Achim. ‘The Visual Culture of Baptism in the Middle Ages: Essays on Medieval Fonts, Settings and Beliefs,’ The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol.65 (3), 2014 (656-657)
2013 Sonne de Torrens, Harriet and Miguel A. Torrens, ‘Introduction’ in The Visual Culture of Baptism in the Middle Ages: Essays on Medieval Fonts, Settings and Beliefs (Farnham, England: Ashgate Press, 2013), pp. 1-10.
Sonne de Torrens, Harriet and Miguel A. Torrens, “Baptisteria Sacra: índice iconográfico de pilas bautismales,” Románico: revista de arte No. 2, June 2006 (24-27)
ARTICLES: Harriet M. Sonne de Torrens
2020. “A Legacy of Resistance: The Case of the Freckenhorst Baptismal Font,” ICO: Iconographisk Post – Nordic Review of Iconography no. 3-4
2020. “The Miracle of the Harvest. The Cistercians, French Connections and the Hegwald Workshop on Gotland” ICO: Iconographisk Post – Nordic Review of Iconography no. 1-2 (2020): 25-83.
2018 -2019. “Representations of Marriage: Iconographical Origins and Trends” in the book Cultural History of Marriage (medieval period covering from 500 to 1500 A.D.) ed. Dr. Frederik Pedersen (University of Aberdeen), pp. 147-165. published by Bloomsbury Publishing.
2013 ‘Reconsidering the Date of the Baptismal Font in San Isidoro, León, Spain in eds. Harriet Sonne de Torrens and Miguel A. Torrens, Visual Culture of Baptism Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 3-76.
2010 ‘Aakirkeby Baptismal Font’ for the online Medieval Dictionary of Art & Architecture published by Grove Art Online, Oxford University Press. Invited by the editor, Dr. C. Hourihane to write on this topic.
2010 ‘Simris Church, Skåne’ for the online Medieval Dictionary of Art & Architecture published by Grove Art Online, Oxford University Press. Invited by the editor, Dr. C. Hourihane to write on this topic.
2010 ‘Bjäresjö Baptismal Font’ for the online Medieval Dictionary of Art & Architecture published by Grove Art Online, Oxford University Press. Invited by the editor, Dr. C. Hourihane to write on this topic.
2010 ‘Jutland’ for the online Medieval Dictionary of Art & Architecture published by Grove Art Online, Oxford University Press. Invited by the editor, Dr. C. Hourihane to write on this topic.
2010 ‘Viklau Madonna’ for the online Medieval Dictionary of Art & Architecture published by Grove Art Online, Oxford University Press. Invited by the editor, Dr. C. Hourihane to write on this topic.
2009 ‘Fovea Peccati et Utero Ecclesiae: The Symbiotic Nature of Female Sexuality on Medieval Baptismal Fonts’ in From the Margins II: Women of the New Testament and Their Afterlives eds. Christine Joynes and Christopher Rowland (Sheffield Phoenix Press), 334-361
2009 ‘Illicit Sex and Alcahuetas in the Medieval Kingdom of Castille: The Pictorial Program on the Rabanal de Las Llantas Baptismal Font,’ La Coronica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Vol. 38 (1), 97-120
ARTICLES: Miguel A. Torrens
2023 “Sjonhem: dos obras representativas del románico más intrigante de la Suecia medieval en su contexto, Parte 1”, Románico: revista de arte No.37 December 2023 (64-73)
2023 “Ab initio septentrionis: una historiografía del estudio del patrimonio medieval en el extremo norte de Europa,” in Románico: el lenguaje de las piedras vivas (a Festschrift for Jaime Cobreros) ed. Mario Agudo Villanueva (Madrid: Dilema, 2023): 165-192
2023 “Eadbierht Cunung: la polémica huella rúnica de Eadberht, rey de Northumbria, en Bingley, West Yorkshire,” Románico: revista de arte No.36 June 2023 (64-71)
2022 “Locus celebris: diócesis, monasterio, iglesia y pila en Dalby (Part III of III),” Románico: revista de arte No.35, December 2022 (58-63)
2022 “Locus celebris: diócesis, monasterio, iglesia y pila en Dalby (Part II of III),” Románico: revista de arte No.34, June 2022 (56-61)
2021 “Locus celebris: diócesis, monasterio, iglesia y pila en Dalby (Part I of III),” Románico: revista de arte No.32, June 2021 (68-73)
2020 “Eva, María y Sheela: presencia de la mujer en las pilas bautismales del románico Parte II),” Románico: revista de arte No.31, December 2020 (26-33) (editor’s request for a special issue on the presence of women in medieval iconography)
2020 “Eva, María y Sheela: presencia de la mujer en las pilas bautismales del románico Parte I),” Románico: revista de arte No.30, June 2020 (80-91) (editor’s request for a special issue on the presence of women in medieval iconography)
2019 “De la Mercia anglosajona a la Escuela de Escultura Románica del condado de Hereford: protagonismo de la pila bautismal de la Iglesia de Stottesdon,” Románico: revista de arte No.29, December 2019 (60-65)
2019 “La Abadía-Priorato de Santa María y San Melor de Amesbury: de los Plantagenet, los Tudor y la Disolución a la parroquia de hoy y sus pilas bautismales,” Románico: revista de arte No.28, June 2019 (56-62)
2017 “De Mesopotamia a Jutlandia: ¿Pilas bautismales románicas en Escandinavia con iconografía de inspiración sumeria o babilonia? Parte II,” Románico: revista de arte No.24, June 2017 (50-57)
2016 “De Mesopotamia a Jutlandia: ¿Pilas bautismales románicas en Escandinavia con iconografía de inspiración sumeria o babilonia? Parte I,” Románico: revista de arte No. 23, December 2016 (58-63)
2014 “Sálvame de la boca del león: felinos y ambigüedades en la base de la pila de Santa María de Stafford,” Románico: revista de arte No.19, December 2014 (56-65)
2010 “Del Domesday Book a los suburbios de Nottingham: historia y descripción de la pila bautismal del Priorato de Lenton,” Románico: revista de arte No.11, December 2010 (52-58)
2010 “Tras los pasos de Aymericus Picaudus: gentes, tierras y pilas bautismales del Camino de Santiago,” Románico: revista de arte No.10, June 2010 (17-23) (editor’s request for a special issue on medieval pilgrimage)
2009 “Pilas bautismales de la Anglia oriental: pedigrí escandinavo en el arte románico de Norfolk y Suffolk,” Románico: revista de arte No. 9, December 2009 (50-60)
2009 “La pila bautismal de Goodmanham y la evidencia histórica del Venerable,” Románico: revista de arte No. 8, June 2009 (50-55))
2008 “Pilas plúmbeas II: los trabajos de los meses y los signos del zodíaco en las pilas románicas de plomo de Brookland y Saint-Évroult-de-Montfort,” Románico: revista de arte No. 6, June 2008 (32-41))
2007 “Pilas plúmbeas I,” Románico: revista de arteNo. 5, December 2007 (40-47)
2007 “La pila bautismal de Bridekirk: ‘vas patens e saxo subviridi’ con autorretrato de Richardus de Durham,” Románico: revista de arte No. 4, June 2007 (42-47)
2006 “Malhereusement disparu: requiem por la pila de Saint-Venant, chef-d’oeuvre de los talleres de Tournai,” Románico: revista de arte No. 3, December 2006 (36-41)
2006 “La pila bautismal de Åkirkeby,” Románico: revista de arte No. 2, June 2006 (20-23)